
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Size XS Basics - Sports Bra

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Item: 3272


Size: XS



Item: 3273


Size: XS


Item: 3545

Size: XS


Item: 3546

Size: XS


Item: 3576

Size: XS


Item: 3577

Size: XS


Item: 3578

Size: XS


Item: 3579

Size: XS


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(a) Plain sleeve (b) Raglan sleeve (c) Bell sleeve (d) Leg-o-mutton sleeve 4. The shoulder seam and armhole seam is absent in this sleeve. (a) Raglan sleeve (b) Bell sleeve (c) Puff sleeve (d) Full sleeve 5. This type of sleeve has a seam which runs from side seam of sleeve to side seam of bodice.

Line up the vertical central thread with the centre front line of the stand, and pin. To avoid injury to the fabric, use very fine pins, e.g. silk pins, and keep pinning to a minimum. Temporarily pin the surplus fabric to the side of the stand you are not modeling. Mould the fabric around the stand as desired, allowing the excess fabric to fall freely into the area where you wish the fullness of the drape to be placed. Use drapes in place of darts. The drapes can be continuing along the out edges of the stand and be allowed to fall forwards or back wards into a cascade of drapery or be caught up into a seam line etc., use the grain to experiment for the best effect, numbering that fabric drapes best on the bias. It is some times necessary to control drapes e.g. on a wide neckline could fall off the shoulder or in the case of side panel, where billows might occurs. The following methods are used to control drapes.